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Scientific Schedule

Day 1 (9th August 2024, Friday)

Lecture: Dr. UllasRaghavan (U K)
Past President Oration: Dr. Madan Kapre.

Sessions & Lead Coordinators

  • Rhinology: Dr. Neelam Vaid
  • Anterior skull base: Dr. Nishit Shah
  • Research & Publication: Dr. Unnikrishnan B

Sessions & Lead Coordinators

  • Cochlear Implant: Dr. Raghu Nandan
  • Lateral skull base: Dr. Sampath C Prasad
  • Neurotology: Dr. Anirban Biswas

Sessions & Lead Coordinators

  • Associate Society (Indian Association of Surgeons for Sleep Apnoea)- Dr. Vijaya Krishnan
  • Associate Society (Facial Plastics) -
    Dr. Jayanth Kumar

PG Award Papers (batch 1) & Junior
Consultant Award Papers (batch 1)

  • Hall entrance Lobby:Poster presentation (batch 1)
  • Inauguration ceremony
  • Inaugural Dinner

Day 2 (10th August 2024, Saturday)

Lecture: Dr. Mickel Rutter (USA)
Lecture: Dr. Prepagaran (Malaysia)
President Oration: Dr. Sunil Kothwal.

Sessions & Lead Coordinators

  • Otology & Facial N: Dr. Vijendra H
  • Endoscopic Ear Surgery: Dr. Mubarak Khan

Sessions & Lead Coordinators

  • Thyroid: Dr. Madan Kapre
  • Allergy: Dr. Vikram Khanna
  • Airway: Dr. E V Raman

Sessions & Lead Coordinators

  • Associate Society (Neurotology) - Dr. Anirban Biswas
  • Assoc Society (FHNO) - Dr. Prathamesh Pai

PG Award Papers (batch 2), Senior Consultant Award Papers, Video Awards

  • Hall entrance Lobby: Poster presentation (batch 2)
  • General Body Meeting
  • Banquet Dinner

Day 3 (11th August 2024, SUNDAY)

Sessions & Lead Coordinators

  • Guest Lectures on Miscellaneous topics like
    Medicolegal issues, AI & Setting up practice in ENT.
  • Sialendoscopy: Dr. Varun Rai

Day 3 (11th August 2024, SUNDAY)

Sessions & Lead Coordinators

  • Allergy: Dr. Vikram Khanna
  • PG Quiz – Prelims & Finals: Quiz Master- Dr. Gowri Shankar

Day 3 (11th August 2024, SUNDAY)

Sessions & Lead Coordinators

  • Associate Society (Voice) - Dr. K K Handa

Day 3 (11th August 2024, SUNDAY)

PG Award Papers (batch 3), Junior Consultant Award Paper (batch 2)& Free papers.

  • Hall entrance Lobby: Poster presentation (batch 3)
  • Valedictory Function